Pleasure and Pain.
There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, so the saying goes, but for those of us who follow the BDSM Lifestyle, the line is often blurred.
The dictionary gives the main definitions of Pleasure and Pain as follows:
A state/feeling of being pleased or gratified.
A source of enjoyment or delight.
Amusement, diversion, or worldly enjoyment
Sensual gratification or indulgence.

An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.
Suffering or distress.A source of annoyance; a nuisance.
Pleasure and pain, therefore are basically opposites – in general terms, one feels good and one doesn’t. However, for those of us who engage in BDSM, this is often not the case, the pain we sometimes feel from the activities we pursue, gives us the pleasure we crave so much.
The pain from these activities is controlled pain, it is not something sudden or with no warning, like for example the pain from an accidental injury.
Within the realm of BDSM there is most definitely good pain and bad pain. Mostly, the things we choose to do are things that give us good pain.
For example good pain to me would be a spanking or a flogging, bad pain would be a severe caning or needle play – which i choose not to do.